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lipo laser treatment

Laser-based lipolysis is an innovative body sculpting treatment that involves the use of laser energy to target unwanted fat cells and help them shrink or die off. It is a minimally invasive procedure that can reduce localized pockets of fatty tissue and tighten the skin in the treated area. It can be used to reduce the appearance of cellulite, treat double chins, and contour the hips, stomach, arms, and buttocks. While not as dramatic as surgical liposuction, this noninvasive form of laser body sculpting can deliver similar results and requires much less recovery time.

During the procedure, low levels of laser energy are applied to the surface of the affected area. The resulting heat causes the membranes of the targeted fat cells to change their permeability, disrupting them and allowing the fatty triglycerides inside them to flow out of the cell. The fatty triglycerides then pass through the lymphatic system and are naturally eliminated from the body. This process is known as laser-assisted liposuction (ALL).

The i-Lipo and Zerona are two popular types of laser body-contouring treatments. They are both meant to be a temporary solution for stubborn areas of excess fat. They both contour the body with low-level laser energy and are meant to enhance a healthy diet and exercise routine. However, it is important to note that they are not a weight loss treatment or surgery, and people who gain weight will see their results start to fade over time.

Before a minimally invasive laser-based liposuction session, a doctor will apply local anesthesia to the affected area. This is done to ensure that you don’t feel any pain during the treatment. During the procedure, your doctor will insert the laser through a small incision and then use a tube to suction away the melted fat. The procedure takes about an hour and can be performed in your doctor’s office without the need for general anesthesia.

After undergoing laser liposuction, it is recommended that you wear a compression garment to minimize swelling and improve your skin’s appearance in the weeks following treatment. Additionally, it is highly recommended to get a lymphatic massage to promote healing and enhance your overall results.

Both i-Lipo and Zerona work to contour the body by using low-level laser energy. The i-Lipo has more than 30 laser diodes and is placed on the skin, while the Zerona device hovers above the surface of the skin and has just five laser diodes. The difference between the two is slight, but some people believe that the i-Lipo is more effective.

In both cases, the ideal candidate for laser liposuction is a healthy individual who has reached their desired body weight and wishes to reduce isolated pockets of fat in their abdomen, flanks, thighs, buttocks, and more. Unlike CoolSculpting, which targets large areas of fat and is considered an elective cosmetic procedure rather than medically necessary, laser liposuction is designed to target smaller pockets of fat in the face of a healthy diet and exercise routine.