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You work hard to get in shape, but stubborn pockets of fat refuse to budge. It’s frustrating, but there are ways to sculpt your body into a more contoured, healthy look. One option is minimally invasive laser lipo, which liquefies and removes unwanted fat from the skin’s surface. It’s a safe, quick, and effective way to achieve the slimmer physique you want, particularly in difficult-to-treat areas.

The main benefit of laser lipo is that it’s less invasive than traditional surgical techniques. While you’ll still experience some pain, swelling, and bruising after your procedure, the recovery period is significantly shorter. And with non-invasive treatments like SculpSure, there’s no need for suction or an incision.

SculpSure is a non-invasive, laser-based treatment that works by targeting the same fat cells that are targeted with traditional liposuction. The laser beams are released into the treatment area, where they break down the triglycerides in the fat cells, causing them to rupture and release their contents. This allows the cell contents to be absorbed by the surrounding tissues, and the body naturally processes them away.

As a result, SculpSure’s fat-melting technology is an excellent choice for those who want to target troublesome pockets of fat in the stomach, thighs, arms, and buttocks, but don’t have an excess amount of fat to lose. It’s also a good choice for those who aren’t candidates for a more invasive liposuction, such as pregnant women or people with certain health conditions.

While CoolSculpting can be used in the same way as traditional lipo, it isn’t an effective solution for those who are severely overweight. It’s designed to target those who have a healthy weight but still have pockets of fat that don’t respond to exercise and diet.

During a surgical liposuction procedure, your surgeon will administer local anesthesia before making a small incision in the target area. The laser then melts the fat, which is removed through a small vacuum-like suction device. The procedure typically takes about an hour for each area of the body, and the results are often visible within a week.

With its ability to tighten skin, laser lipo is also a popular option for facial contouring, smoothing out isolated pockets of fat around the chin and jawline. It can even be used to slim the waistline and thighs, and can be used in combination with surgical liposuction for those looking for a more comprehensive treatment. However, because it’s considered an elective cosmetic procedure, it isn’t covered by insurance.