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laser lipo machine

If you want to slim down your abdomen, thighs or other areas of your body without surgery and with minimal downtime, then a laser lipo machine might be a good option for you. This minimally invasive procedure uses diode lasers to melt fat, and it can be performed on the face, hips, thigh, buttocks or other parts of your body.

Unlike liposuction, which involves the use of a cannula to suction out fat cells, laser lipo is less invasive and causes little bruising. In addition, it does not damage any other tissue in the body, such as blood vessels or nerves.

The best candidates for laser lipo are those who are in good overall health and are close to their ideal weight. These individuals typically have a few bulges they want to target, such as the stomach, buttocks or thighs, says Ross Perry, M.B.B.S., medical director of Cosmedics Skin Clinics in the U.K.

With a laser lipo machine, a pad equipped with diodes is placed on the skin to emit low levels of laser energy. The energy breaks down the triglycerides stored in fat cells, turning them into free fatty acids and glycerol. These compounds are then released through channels in the cell membranes, shrinking the fat cells and causing inch loss.

A healthy diet and regular exercise are also recommended for laser lipo to produce the most effective results. Patients should also avoid smoking, drinking and using medications that increase the risk of bruising or bleeding, such as aspirin or ibuprofen.

There are several different types of laser lipo machines, but they all work by using various wavelengths of laser light to sculpt your body. Generally, each treatment lasts about one hour per area. However, it can take longer for a particular area to see results.

CoolSculpting, a popular alternative to liposuction that uses cooling technology, is another great choice for fat reduction, but it takes longer than laser lipo to provide the same effects. Depending on your body and the size of the treated area, results may take up to two months after treatment.

At-Home DIY Liposuction Can’t Be as Effective

Some people think that they can get the same fat-reduction benefits of laser lipo at home. While it is tempting to do this, this method has many risks and side effects that are not safe or effective, especially when performed by someone who is not an experienced medical professional.

It’s best to go to an experienced doctor who is trained in laser lipo for this procedure. Incorrectly performing laser lipo at home can cause serious injury or infection. It can also lead to lumpy or dimpling tissues that will never disappear, which can be extremely embarrassing and uncomfortable for the patient.